Adobe Introduces Generative AI Co-Pilot in Photoshop


May 23, 2023
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May 31, 2023

Adobe has unveiled the new Generative Fill feature, powered by its Firefly generative AI technology, in Photoshop. This game-changing feature can add, extend, or remove content from images using simple text prompts - making it the first ever AI co-pilot in the creative and design world. Not only will Generative Fill revolutionize current design workflows for both individuals and businesses, the beta release also marks the beginning of Adobe's efforts to integrate Firefly across Creative Cloud, Document Cloud, Experience Cloud, and Adobe Express. Launched only six weeks ago, Firefly has already become one of Adobe's most successful beta launches to date, generating over 100 million assets. Firefly's family of creative generative AI models has initially focused on images and text effects, but has since expanded to support vector recoloring and generative fill. Firefly is designed to generate commercially viable, professional-quality content by training on Adobe Stock images, openly licensed content, and other public domain content without copyright restrictions. Future integrations with Adobe Experience Cloud applications will help marketing teams accelerate their content supply chain production. Senior Vice President of Digital Media at Adobe, Ashley Still, emphasizes the speed, ease of use and precision that Generative Fill brings to Photoshop workflows. The feature is powered by Firefly, which is trained on Adobe Stock's hundreds of millions of professional-grade, licensed, high-resolution images, ensuring no generation of content based on other peoples' or brands' intellectual property. Generative Fill also supports Content Credentials, which are like “nutrition labels” for digital content, informing users whether it was created by a human or AI-generated, and allowing for proper attribution and informed decisions about digital content.

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